Monday 29 October 2012

Misfits - A New Era

Its no big secret that the first two series of Misfits were the best, it was fresh and funny and probably the top super hero show on TV. Not that there was ever that much competition. But series three saw Nathan's exit and a re-jigging of the superpowers that, frankly, just didn't work. On the upside we had the introduction of wildly inappropriate and frenzied Rudy,  the brilliant Joe Gilgun. In fact that is one department where Misfits has always excelled, the acting. But overall, with series three, the story-lines weren't as strong and the whole thing was saved by a dramatic and moving finale. So now series four is with us and Curtis is the only member of the original, orange jump suited, team left standing. And we have two new,community service, characters to get used to. Firstly there is Jess, played by Karla Crome who was so brilliant in the recent BBC drama Murder. Her power seems to be that she can see through walls, or something. The other newbie is Finn, NathanMcMullen, who looks like Michael Gove the early years. The opening story, about a case full of money, felt a little like a mid series filler, so we don't really know what the main thrust of the show will be yet. But the orange jump suits are present, theeerily empty estate is present and the acting is up to its usual high standard, so perhaps, just perhaps, we could be in for a good series. Super powered fingers crossed.


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