Wednesday 21 November 2012

The Killing Part 3

What inferences are we to draw from Sarah Lund's new jumper in The Killing III? Gone are the straight lines and strident red of previous seasons. Now, it seems thinner, with lines descending down, in a V shape, is this telling us of the world wide resession or Sarah's fate? She was certainly down when we met her in the first episode of this new and sadly, very sadly, last season. Sarah was twenty five years in the force and looking for a nice, easy desk job. Then, wouldn't you know it, the bodies start piling up and the real Sarah comes to life. A great scene where she is telling her son, over the phone, that she has never really been there for him, then sees something in a photo of a body part and she, more or less hangs up on him.

The makers know Sarah Lund is iconic, so we get lots of those moments of Sarah standing stoically, or pushing her way past everyone to get what she wants. But how much of Sarah is down to Sofie Grabol, could anyone else have been this great in the role? As Mireille Enos showed us in the  American version  you need more than a grumpy face and a big jumper  to make the show work, you need a charismatic lead and Sofie Grabol is certainly that. Only Colombo and Morse can come close and they had a lot more than three seasons to indelibly mark themselves into our brains.

The Killing III has all that we have become accustomed to, shady politicians, multi strand stories, grislymurders, and that moment at the end where the music starts to menacingly thump and you know the cliff hanger is coming. Something that makes you gasp and want the next episode to start right away. Also, I don't know if it is just me, but I keep thinking everyone in it has been in either The Bridge or Borgen. Still let's enjoy this while we can and hope BBC Four has more Nordic noir lined up for us. Seeing how bad theBBC's recent Hunted was it might be time to promote some of these shows to BBC1 and 2.


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