Thursday 15 November 2012

Last Resort

As we all know there is a large blender, kept in a secret location, where television shows are made. My bet is that it is in the North pole, somewhere near where Santa lives. And the blender has been busy of late what with Perception and  Elementary. But when they turned up with Last Resort someone must have said: "You're gonna need a bigger blender." Because Last Resort throws so much in that my head was spinning like a blender trying to keep up with it all.

The show centres around a nuclear submarine and it's crew. After the Captain Marcus Chaplin (excellently played by Andre Braugher) refuses an order to fire his missiles on Pakistan, the shadowy US Government, or elements within it, turns on them and our rag tag hoard of heroes take refuge on a small island. The show is filmed in Hawaii, so the island looks exactly like the island in Lost. So much so that you expect to see a polar bear crash through the undergrowth; or Sawyer come bowling into the compound. But Last Resort throws it all in the blender with elements of shady conspiracy goings on a la Prison Break, Flash Forward, and 24. There's the rogue military element of Apocalypse Now, granted nowhere near as rogue, just yet, but who knows by season three Chaplin could be spouting T.S. Eliot. Obviously Crimson Tide springs to mind, then throw in enough macho language, and posturing, to make The Unit look like The Golden Girls and you have a show worthy of the best blender. The first episode was good and solid, but the second had more I love you dad's than any normal person can take. That said, Last Resort is highly watchable, but you have to wonder just where it is all going.


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