Wednesday 14 November 2012

Geordie Shore - Fresh and Original.

Cancun is over and we are back in the safe haven of Chlamydia Heights, and it is also back to the grind of watching Geordie Shore. 

This is the first series where it seems like Geordie Shore is a profession. We saw out hapless heroes packing up and going to work. It can be tough but you also get the feeling it is a bit of a bus man's holiday for them all. This time out we are missing Jay and Becca, let's face it who is going to miss Becca? She only seemed to haunt the show anyway; a shadowy presence quickly forgotten. But now we have two new characters, or is that one? Because Scott and Dan look exactly alike and I was constantly confused. I thought it was one person called Scan, who can split himself up a lot like Rudi in Misfits. Vikki called them knobs so there must be two, but Scan was everywhere and nowhere. 
Thankfully, the show has  taken on a fresh, new edge this time out as our boisterous bozos went to clubs and got mortal. They've never done that before.  Then they came back, tashed on, threw up, and argued. This is all new stuff here. Let's hope this bright, novel approach carries on. Who knows Charlotte might spoon with Gaz, Vikki might fight everyone in the house and Sophie might slut drop at every opportunity she gets, wouldn't that be new. 

Let's be thankful that this is not more of the same, how dreadful would that be if the show got bogged down in a kind of Groundhog Day nightmare?


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