Monday 17 December 2012

Misfits Season 4

I have no objection to shows freshening themselves up, at times it can even be a good thing. But I felt Misfits got it all wrong this series. If they were going to bring in new characters, which they did, then why did they waste half the series killing Curtis off. From the start he felt out of place with all the changes going on around him. So why not just announce he had done his community service and had moved on? That does happen in real life doesn't it? Perhaps this was because the new characters were thin and could not hold prop up eight episodes. Fin was just plain annoying, and you could certainly jot him down as Misfits answer to Jar Jar Binks, and like Jar Jar before him, he seemed to get an awful lot of screen time. Jess, wasn't a great character, but she was made much, much, much  better than she should have been by the excellent Karla Crome. In fact this new series only really sparked when Karla Crome and the equally excellent Joseph Gilgun (Rudy) were on screen together, their chemistry was a joy and it was always sad when the show veered away from them. Like series three some of the episodes were a little dull , a little silly, or both, and like series three the whole thing was saved by a rousing finale. It looks like we are going to get another series, so a lot more powers, a lot more Karla Crome and Joseph Gilgun and a lot less Jar Jar Binks would be much appreciated.


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