Monday 7 January 2013

Ripper Street - Surprising and Fresh?!

The only thing that is surprising and fresh about BBC 1's new drama Ripper Street is the opening titles. They are very HBO evocative black and white Victorian photos introducing the dark elements of the show while a Deadwoodesque theme plays over the top. Sadly that is where the surprise ends because after the titles we were plunged into the world of seen it all before.

It is the East End of London 1889 and a butchered woman has been found near one of Jack the Ripper's murder sites, you can start your groaning now. But clever, intrepid, hat too small for his head, Inspector Edmund Reid (Matthew McFadyen) doesn't think it is another ripper murder, you can continue your groaning. He is helped by his enforcer Sgt Drake (Jerome Flynn) and an dissolute American, ex Pinkerton and surgeon Homer Jackson (Adam Rothenberg) groan at will. Well wouldn't you know it small hat Edmund is right it's not the work of Jack but, keep groaning, a mad depraved Lord of some sort. Wow we haven't seen that scenario before have we?

If you take out the gore and light nudity Ripper Street is little more than Lewis with lacerations. It is not helped by lead Matthew McFadyen, who I have always felt is a bit of a one note actor, so where really we need charisma we get cool and cold. But that can be said of all three of the leads. Jerome Flynn shows none of the roguishness that makesBronn such a successful character in Game of Thrones. And if we are supposed to like the Homer Jackson character, then I think it's back to the drawing board guys. Ripper Street is the latest in a long line, Hunted and The Shadow line are two others that come to mind, where the BBC seem to think they are making HBO type shows. But they are bargain basement and having to watch them on one channel would be like  HBO from hell.


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