Thursday 14 February 2013

Spartacus War of the Damned.

Endless lingering splashes of blood, almost wall to wall nudity and dialogue with every other word missed out, yes yippee Spartacus is back. But sadly for the last time as we know War of the Damned probably isn't going to end well for our heroes. 

The season opener was everything you would expect, but us die hard fans, who have followed from the start, when the gore and nudity did take us aback, watch for more than that we are invested in the characters. So perhaps we could do with a tiny bit less of that blood splashing thing and a bit more plot. But I get the feeling this season isn't going to let up so I'd better shut up and put up. We have a new villain on the block in the shape of, the much mentioned, Crassus ( Simon Merrells ) and it was a neat trick to make him an honourable man. Glaber was more glaring and panto and easy to hate, I'm not sure that will be the case with Crassus.

I suppose this season has to up the flying heads and gore fountains the major character cull was quite severe last time out, so big deaths will have to be rationed unlike the blood. 

I sometimes wonder what a Spartacus virgin would make of the show had they stumbled in last night. Would they gasp and laugh at everything we take deadly serious, I don't even squirm these days when they spout their cod Shakespeare stuff. Well let's enjoy the madness while we can, when it's gone we will miss it.


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