Monday 11 February 2013

Tipping Point

How many game shows have you seen where you could do without the host? Nearly all of them I know. How about all the questions, yeah a fair few. How about ditching the contestants to boot? Well ITV have come up with just such a game show in Tipping Point you could strip away all of the above and still have a gripping programme.

Tipping Point is based on that arcade game where you drop a two pence, or ten pence piece into the machine, it winds its way down nudging money off one ledge then onto the next. You know the one? Where a ton of coins sit precariously near the edge. We've all played it and all given the machine a little barge and all the bells go off. Well that is Tipping Point, except it has questions contestants and Ben Shephard thrown in to drag out the affair. Four members of the public, thankfully we haven't had celebrity Tipping Point yet, vie to get the most counters out of the machine. They must have been told to be a bit lippy because they half heartedly cheer each other on, but there are a few catty remarks and it can be a passive aggressive fest at times. Ben Shephard is on hand to grimace and sympathise as the counters just won't fall for the chatty quartet. But, to get back to my original point, we would all enjoy it just as much if it was half an hour of counters going into the machine. And why stop there why not a show about that big claw thing where you never get the fake Rolex or ancient Fred Flintstone toy. 

So if you are a fan of old penny arcades and can put up with Ben Shephard for thirty minutes then why not give Tipping point a go weekdays at four on ITV1.

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