Monday 15 April 2013

Dallas - Not Dead Yet.

OK JR may be dead and Channel 5 have shunted this second season to eleven o'clock, but Dallas is still in very good health. The show has used the death of it's greatest character (Larry Hagman's return as JR was a triumph and a fitting end to a fine career) to push the action forward in an unexpected way. Why did JR die and what secrets did he unearth before his third encounter with a bullet finally put pay to him? That is one of the joys of Dallas, its story lines are tight and focused, there is nothing shambling and all over the place about this show. If it's shambling and all over the place you want then Revenge is the one to watch.

The ensemble cast is first rate, with Patrick Duffy doing a sterling job as the new head of the Ewing clan and Josh Henderson's John Ross looking more than capable of stepping into his daddy's devious boots. Plus Dallas is a show that embraces its past, let's face it, with a past like that you would be a fool not to, the last few episodes have given us the return of Gary, Valene, and Afton to name a few. While perennial old boy Cliff Barnes hides in the shadows plotting the downfall of the Ewing family. That's another great thing what other show, this side of Last of the Summer Wine,throws seventy plus actors at us so we can marvel at the cosmetic work, or lack of it, they have had done? 

We now have Lee Majors in the cast, Sue Ellen is back drinking, and we are being teased with the prospect of a possible Victoria Principle return, on that evidence alone, I'd say Dallas is in very good health indeed.


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