Monday 1 April 2013

Doctor Who - Embracing its whimsy.

In this weeks episode of Modern Family Manny  described his cocktail concoction as "Not being afraid to embrace its own whimsy" Well those words came back to me with a vengeance watching Doctor Who. Doctor Who not only embraces its own whimsy it has married it and has two kids.

This week saw the resumption of series seven, answers on a post card please as to what the hell happened in the first half. Plus we have new (ish) assistant Clara Oswald played by the oh so drama school Jenna-Louise Coleman, she is all we have come to expect from a Doctor's assistant these days sassy and twee in equal measures. But at least she is a cut about the one expression, rabbit in the headlights, of Amy Pond.

The story was pretty bland, lots of tosh about people's souls being captured by wifi (I know) it was a very long TARDIS journey away from what you might call gripping. The dastardly culprit was Miss Kizlet, Celia Imrie giving us a passable Judy Dench impression. As always Matt Smith's take on the Doctor jars a little with me, in his buffoon mode its like watching James 'Arg' Argent as a Time Lord, so when we get the shift to feared, serious Doctor it just doesn't seem to convince. 

So we will all sit and drearily watch this series, a little baffled by the story-lines and even more baffled why the BBC regard this show as a flagship.


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