Thursday 3 October 2013

Message: Armchair Assassins TV

As the millions of you who have already subscribed will know Armchair Assassins TV is probably the best value  golden doubloons can buy. Well now we can add more fantastic shows to our already jam packed, with mainly repeats, schedules.
First off, if like us, you are bored with seeing Dominic Littlewood and Matt Albright chasing cowboy builders and fraudsters down the road and getting their arms caught in car doors, well now we have the show for you. Scumball Armageddon! Where we get some of Britain's  toughest cage-fighters to 'have words' with cowboy builders and fraudsters. Not only that our cage-fighters will hog tie the offenders so the gullible idiots they duped can confront them; wielding baseball bats and screaming: "Where's the money,I want my money!". We are currently in negotiation with Danny Dyer to front the show. Somewhere the ghost of Bravo is smiling.
Also, we were so impressed with the way the makers of Orphan Black stunningly recreated America in what looked like Cricklewood, we have employed them to put their considerable skills to bringing to life the splendour and opulence that was Ancient Egypt in our new epic Bogus. Yes, just like Orphan Black we will have stunningly authentic sets and accents.All slung together with every expense spared. 
If this hasn't whetted your televisual appetites then you deserve Freeview.
A Message from Armchair Assassins Telecommunications and something or other Inc

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