Saturday 30 November 2013

Gogglebox: Who Watches The Watchmen?

When Channel 4's Gogglebox first started it was a good idea, ordinary people watching television, in their front rooms, and saying exactly what they thought. And in those early episodes it really did seem funny and at times refreshingly on the mark. But it didn't take long for Channel 4 to corrupt it, now the show is more about the people watching than it is the programmes they are supposed to be shouting and screaming at. As with most programmes of this  ilk, the subjects become celebrities in their own right. And don't we know it, you get the very distinct feeling that a fair few of them are now firmly playing to the gallery. The only remaining freshness Gogglebox has to offer is Craig Cash's jaunty, Come Dine With Me-esque, commentary. Plus, is it me or does the whole thing seem to be going on longer and longer? A sign of how laboured the show has become this week we had our motley mob watching Return of the Jedi, just so we could all laugh as they struggled to say which episode it was and where it fit in overall. Comedy gold it wasn't.
How long will it be before the assembled cast of Gogglebox end up watching themselves and moaning?

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