Monday 18 November 2013

Yonderland by Ranting Ronnie

Watching Yonderland I thought I'd got me channels mixed up, there I was settling down in front of Sky 1 with me mulled Red Bull and Maltesers and there's all these puppets and amateur actors poncing about.

"Something's wrong with the telly," I yelled to the wife. "This is soddin' Cbeebies."
"No, it's one of those Clever Dick fantasy things," the wife shouted back.
"Fantasy?" I bellowed. "It looks like  bad day at Fraggle Rock."

But no, it's Sky and Yonderland is supposed to be for adults. Well the only adults this tosh would appeal to would be those idiots who have read all the Harry Potter books about eighteen times each. Third division Muppets and acting bang out of Panto season is not what I call adult entertainment. And I thought The Hobbit was boring, the wife kept on nudging me because I was snoring in the cinema, but Yonderland made it look like soddin' 24. 

Sky should stick with Strike Back and Ross Kemp and leave this type of old codswallop to the Dungeons and Dragons crowd. Or better still serve it up to eight year olds they'd love it.

Ranting Ronnie!

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