Monday 8 September 2014

Doctor Who : It Doesn't Get Much Duller Than This!

Three episodes into the new series of Doctor Who and it is a bit of a stinker. Come on, put down your plastic sonic screw diver, finish up that game of Time Lord Top Trumps and admit it, it really isn't very good show. The initial joy of getting rid of Matt Smith's stuffy college professor incarnation of the Doctor swiftly evaporated when, surprisingly, Peter Capaldi looked like a rabbit in the headlights of a monster truck. He barely seems to have registered over the opening three episodes. The situation is not helped by the total lack of chemistry between  Capaldi and Jenna Coleman. Clara has always been a bit of an annoying, jolly hockey sticks, type of character so perhaps a new Doctor also calls for a new assistant. Although in their defence the story lines have been abysmal, and that word is praising them. An opener that was so forgettable, I can't remember it a fortnight later, what was it about I really don't know? Then, let's trot out the Daleks good and early and this weeks third episode was probably the dullest piece of television the BBC has put out this year and that really is saying something. A Robin Hood episode that made Men In Tights seem like a gem. It was trying to be funny but ended up deeply boring. Come on admit it you hit the fast forward button as well, plus 12 seemed to work a treat and all I missed was acres of banal dialogue no doubt. All I can see for this new series is falling ratings. Perhaps with an actor of Peter Capaldi's class, Doctor Who should go darker and more adult. He doesn't seem to be working entertaining the kids.

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