Monday 22 September 2014

The Leftovers : A Ranting Ronnie Rant.

I'm so bored of all this enigmatic television stuff we have to endure these days. With  Under The Dome getting sillier by the week, all we need now is more mysterious noodling nonsense thrown at us. But The Leftovers looks like it could be the biggest load of tosh since the Lord High Master of tosh Lost. Twenty percent, or somewhere near that, of the Earth's population suddenly disappear ( I know ) and the ones that are left must try to come to terms with what has happened. Well you don't have to even watch the first episode of The Leftovers to know what it will be like. Lots of characters glumly mooning about, weird religious cults and enough enigmatic goings on to keep every saddo Internet geek drooling for a month.But all the tinkly piano and moody cello music in the world can't hide the fact, this is tosh and  the show is busy painting itself into a corner,you can smell the fumes it's that bad. We all know Lost got away with it, they had no clue from minute one and happily made it up as they went along ever after. Leading to a final episode that everyone hated with a glorious glee. Although there are probably still saddos out there that think it was meaningful, spiritual stuff. And I'm sure the makers of The Leftovers will try and kid us along the same lines. But we've all seen too much of this type of rubbish and even by season four we all know we will still have no answers, just more questions piled on top of more riddles and even more pointless enigmas. Why don't they take The Leftovers and stick them  Under the Dome, then John Lock can shift the whole lot back in time, far away from us.
Ranting Ronnie.

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