Saturday 25 October 2014

Under The Dome What's Goin' On?

They really should call Under the Dome Round the Bend. What on Earth is going on? It started out alright, early in  season one, but then so did Lost if you think about it. But now, will someone save us all from this mountain of tosh. I've never read the house brick sized Stephen King novel on which the show is based, and on this evidence I dodged a bullet there, but it can't have been as stupid as what we have to put up with now. Chester's Mill is under an impregnable dome, but still new people seem to turn up, like that scientist woman, who used to be in Misfits and the bloke from CSI New York, where were they during the trials and tribulations of season one?
"Dome, what dome? No I slept right through that one. When did that come down?"
And now, if all that pink stars guff and silly eggs wasn't enough people are just dropping out of the dome. Hey jump off this cliff and you land in a playground miles away. Why don't the makers just come around and slap us on the head with a wet fish? How much longer do we have to take these shows that paint themselves into a corner and insult our meagre intelligence in equal measures? All that and the hero is named after a doll, enough already.
Ranting Ronnie

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