Thursday 14 May 2015

Fortitude Tosh On Ice

I finally finished Fortitude so who do I apply to for my endurance award? Lets face it, it was an over long Euro pudding of a show. Throwing together a good cast just wasn,t enough. Even.Sophie Grabol, Michael Gambon, Stanley Tucci couldn,t save this one. The story of dodgy goings on in the ice of the Antarctic or somewhere like it was deeply dull and if every character is deeply unappealing  where do you go? The answer from creator Simon Donald was to punish us with eleven episodes of this ice bound tosh. But I,ll bet I,m not the only poor viewer who thought the whole thing could have been done and dusted in four and that was stretching it. Even the big finale was a big let down and vaguely silly. OK there was some good gruesome scenes, but nowhere near good enough to sustain one episode let alone eleven. Fortitude is another big failure in the long list of Sky,s homegrown failures. And if it is still sitting on your planner, do yourself a favour and delete the lot. When it comes to Fortitude the old cliché life is too short really does ring true.

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