Sunday 6 December 2015

Adverts Are Seriously Disturbing.

What is it with adverts thae days are they supposed to unnerve us and creep us out in equal measures?
Take that Virgin ad
, where that spooky girl makes her laptop seem to come alive only to give us a truly errie look that frtheHes the blood. Put it this way, you wouldn't want to be at her prom in about ten years time. And here's a tip, don't dop a bucket of pig blood on her.
Then there is that ad  where the kid buys her mum a star for Christmas. Then says'I love you to the stars'. Only for the hyper creepy mum to reply ' I love you to the stars' and back'. But the way she delivers the line makes you fear for the safety of everyone concerned. Is she clingling onto the last vestiges of sanity?
The most disturbing of all is the new PS 4 Star Wars ad. A patently bored and deressed young man looks wistfully at his R2 action figure as he sits in his faceless office. To John Williams
 score, he relives all the happy times gone by playing Star Wars games as a child. He then sees an imaginary X Wing fighter outside his window and jumps through it no doubt plunging to his death. Then he lives out a dying fantasy of the Hoth battle from the Empire. So we have a bit of a homage to the end of Birdman.
You have to commend these ads for their subversion. Now all we need is that vaguely punky girl who makes the wraps in the McDonalds ad to start stalking that weak as water geezer who orders it up. Now that would be a fun follow up.

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