Tuesday 15 March 2016

Smug Adverts Rising.

How much do you dislike that smug hipster on the Co Operative Bank adverts. You know the one, where he thinks planting a few daffodils on a bit of waste land makes him Mother Teresa. And admit it you've thought about what drunken thugs will do to his self satisfied urban garden of a Friday night. But why do advertisers think smug dicks are aspirational to the rest of us? Why not give us ordinary people.
Hey I spend my spare time eating processed food and watching repeats of NCIS and CSI. Every now and then I'll go to the fridge and grab a beer. I won't move off the sofa until the wife shouts ' Come to bed you're not Grissom and you never will be!'.
So that's  why I'm an inspiration to others and I bank with Armchair Assassins Building and Loan.
Now that's better than self satisfied hipsters isn't it.

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