Thursday 24 March 2011

Long live bad adverts.

Is it me or are the ads getting more annoying and stupid these days? Yeah, I know it's probably me but I can't be alone. Three commercials have really wound me up of late. First off the rank is that Pro Fusion shaving thing. You know, where that over excitable idiot storms into a gym while a bloke is having a shave. Handy that. But he enters with a loud whoop and a "Hey buddy ". Now I don't know about you, but shaving and sudden scares are not exactly the ideal combination. If this hadn't been a set up, a sliced throat probably would've been the result.

Next up is that KIA ad where that annoying tit is driving and singing along to ‘The Message.’ Now call me a middle aged whinger, but I remember when ‘The Message’ was first released, it was a powerful, depressing and angry yell at disappointments and dangers of life. Here, it's reduced to some middle class tosser singing along, only to be reprimanded by the wife for forgetting the nappies. The silly sausage. The depressing thing is, that is probably Grandmaster Flash in the car with him. Let's just hope he lived up to one of his other hits, ‘We Don't Work For Free’ and hit KIA with a big appearance fee. Fingers crossed.

Last up is that Halifax ad; you know the one where they are supposed to be presenting some sort of radio show. Wow that must be a cracking station. A bit like the Ocean Finance Channel I suppose, but duller. As the div at the mic talks about ISA’s the idiot next to him puts on Vanilla Ice's ‘Ice Ice Baby’ and starts singing along to it. What's not made clear is if the imagined listening public can hear these shenanigans or not. If not, the announcer dishes up great dollops of dead air as he struggles through this hilarious jape. Is it Halifax's aim to show how amateur they are? If so, job done.

But do you know the curious thing, if I see these ads; I stop and watch them, just to annoy myself. So what am I saying? I suppose, in my convoluted way, what I'm getting at, is long live annoying ads and the idiots that serve them up to us!


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