Sunday 22 January 2012

The amazingness of American Horror Story.

So lets be honest, how many of you out there have seen American Horror Story? I bet it’s not as many people as it should be. And for those who are watching it, how many of you thought it would be as good as it is? Anyone? I know I certainly didn’t and I also know there are many people out there, TV lovers like myself, who don’t realize how good this show is because they aren’t watching it.

It has come to my attention recently that when it comes to AHS there is a bit of TV snobbery going on. I’ve asked friends, acquaintances and general strangers if they have had the pleasure of watching American Horror Story but to my shock these were some of my replies.

‘Oh yeah that one in the house? With the ghosts right? No actually I’ve not got around to it’

‘No I’ve not, isn’t it done by those blokes that do Glee and Nip/Tuck? I don’t think it’s for me’

‘Hmm no I’ve not seen it I’ve been busy watching Sherlock. However have you seen The Artist yet?’

If are one of these people then all I have to say is SHAME UPON YOU!

You really do not know what you are missing. It in this dry, baron TV period of dreary cozy BBC Sunday night TV, American Horror Story has been a joy to watch. Yes I agree with my snobbish friends it isn’t on the same level as Breaking Bad and Dexter but it’s not trying to be. What it is, is pure unadulterated fun! It’s scary and sketchy and weird and camp and when it comes to Jessica Lange, well nothing I could write here would do her performance justice.  

I must admit, being a youngster-ish I was unaware of who she was and how good she was when the series started, but it didn’t take me long to work out that she is one of the best actresses I’ve seen grace my screen in a long long time. She’s funny and amazing and every scene she’s in feels like something from a Tennessee Williams play.

So now we’re 10 episodes in and there hasn’t been a bad one yet. In fact last Monday’s episode was an absolute belter. There was one scene, which has stayed with me all week, and I am desperate to watch the final two episodes. If mega video was still up I know what I’d be watching tonight! Also a quick mention for the Mum from six feet under who play the slutty maid, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed having her back on my TV again.

So basically what I’m saying is if you haven’t seen American Horror Story, then you must find a way to start immediately. Put your snobbishness aside, ignore the fact it’s done by the same guys who do Glee and enjoy every second of it. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

Well done Murphy/Falchuck you have again created a show that I adore! I cannot wait for season 2. 

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