Thursday 29 March 2012

The Apprentice - You're Fired Lord Sugar.

Is it me or is The Apprentice struggling a little bit this series? Much like Big Brother before it, the contestants all seem the same. Where BB went for a uniform kooky, The Apprentice has gone for these paper tiger business types, all spouting the same rhetoric.
OK, I know they are told to play up, but when they are all alike it tends to get a bit much. Do we blame 'The Brand' from a few years ago for this overblown trend? Whoever started it, we are now lumbered with endless twaddle like 'I was a millionaire before I was ten' or 'I've built my business up from nothing now I export to Mars.'
Also I can't think anyone really likes this whole Alan's Den thing they have going on. No longer a job up for grabs (because we all know how well that worked out) you now get to go into business with Lord Sugar. Last series showed the flaws in this new format where the worst contestant won. He even had the naffest idea in the final (some sort of chair) but he triumphed because LS liked his idea for a nail file. The said nail file wasn't even mentioned until after he had won. Forgone conclusion was the conclusion most viewers jumped to.
So has LS already got his winner? Has one of the nameless contestants got a fantastic new mouse trap or cork screw waiting in the wings; so no matter how bad he, or she, performs, in a task, they will mysteriously sail through to the final. Surely that trick can only be pulled so many times before us loyal viewers say 'You're fired' to The Apprentice.

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