Monday 15 July 2013

The Wright Stuff Cancelled - Shane Allen is funnier then the show!

If ever a man missed his true vocation it is the BBC's comedy boss Shane Allen, he should have been a world class defence lawyer. Just look at the way he expertly defended himself, his department, and Ben Elton on the news The Wright Way has been dropped after just one calamitous series....

Mr.Allen said that the battering on social media was among the factors that has seen the show axed. 

“Ben was really bruised by the reception. He felt, if people aren’t loving this, I am not going to put myself through it again’” 

Ben Elton put himself through it, does he really feel we were up for a second helping of that utter garbage, at least he was getting well paid to put himself through it, what about us?

“People feel passionate and that’s good, but I do worry in a world of social media and Twitter that people are saying, 40 seconds in, ‘This is s***’.

Really? If he could not deduce after 40 seconds that The Wright Way was, to use his word, s**t, then he shouldn't be in the job. Because that was about as long it took the viewing public to decide.

“A lot of things are loved retrospectively. Only Fools And Horses' took two series before it bedded in. The danger is people give up and channel controllers lose their nerve. I find it quite depressing.”

To compare the two shows boarders on madness. Yes, Only Fools And Horses did take a few series to hit, but it became popular through word of mouth, people saying you should give that a go. I really can't imagine anyone recommending The Wright Way, and if they did I would wonder if they secretly hated you.

“It didn’t catch fire with the audience but it wasn’t what you’d call a flop - over a week it had 3.5million to four million viewers,” Mr Allen added, showing his best defencive skills.

Didn't catch fire I'm not sure The Wright Way could catch fire if you blasted it into the core of the Sun. And how many of those viewers tuned in because this was car crash television at it's finest.

“Ben set out to write an old-fashioned comedy and he did exactly that. It was a valiant effort from the guy who co-wrote Blackadder and The Young Ones.”

Well there you have it The Wright Way was a valiant effort and it was our fault it failed. Let's blame the public, let's blame the critics and let's blame social media, but whatever you do Mr. Allen don't blame yourself.


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