Monday 28 October 2013

Misfits: Limping Over the Line

There was a glorious chance at the end of the third series to neatly wrap up Misfits. So we could all feel satisfied and look back on the show fondly. But, sadly that opportunity passed and the programme limped into a fourth series that saw all the original characters gone replaced by pale shadows of what went before, OK with the exception of Joseph Gilgun's wildly ott Rudy. Now we lumber into the fifth and, thankfully, final series with little enthusiasm. The new characters have none of the charisma of the old, so you would think the need for better super powers would become more prevalent, not less. Also Matt Stokoe's Alex and Natasha O'Keeffe Abbey seem to have had charisma bypasses.
The opening episode was a weak affair about Satanic Scouts and possession, the whole thing just seemed tired. The longer Misfits goes on the more its faults show. The near deserted estate, the lack of consequences for their actions, so much so it makes a Bugs Bunny cartoon look like The Wire. Plus, how long do you do community service for? It must be a quick thing to administer because Alex went from barman to red overalls in no time. It's sad to see such a sharp, original show limp to the finish line like this.

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