Thursday 26 December 2013

Film 2013: A Ranting Ronnie Rant

I haven't watched Film 2013 since it was about Film 2008, so imagine my shock when I found it buried away gone eleven o'clock with Claudia Winkleman sitting there.
"Ere you'll never guess who's doing the film show these days," I shouted up to the wife, I was greeted with a torrent of abuse, she's always like that when I wake her up.
So there's Claudia Winkleman who must be to film criticism what Louie Spence is to bomb disposal. But she is not alone, sitting with her were a snooty pair who looked as out of place as Charles and Camilla at a Bernie Inn. So you can imagine how much they liked Anchorman 2. The snooty woman looked like she had a piece of rotting fish under her nose as she said how much she hated it and the condescending geezer, next to her, wasn't much better he said it was aimed at those people who loved the first Anchorman. Really and I thought they would aim the sequel firmly at lovers of silent German cinema. Claudia just sat there and threw in the odd pithy comment which is her only real talent, let's face it. A little later Lord and Lady Snooty were asked for their films of the year and out came the 'beautiful Italian film,' 'the touching Japanese film' and the Indonesian documentary. Yeah imagine goin' to your local multiplex and asking : " When is that touching Japanese film they recommended on Film 2013 showing here?"
At least I won't have to bother with that old codswallop when it comes back as Film 2014. I was going to go to bed but Body Heat came on and, let's face it, no one in their right mind is going to pass up a sweaty Kathleen Turner are they?
Ranting Ronnie.

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