Friday 13 December 2013

The Once Mighty Fall

Over at The Abandoned Video Shop this week we lament the demise of Blockbuster. So come on over and help us lay a wreath at the feet of this fallen giant. Plus I had a bit of trouble with some stroppy teenagers and a copy of Rocky IV, find out more.
Even though the Colossus that was Blockbuster has gone, we are still renting at The Abandoned Video Shop. So don't just stand outside the darkened Blockbuster whimpering like a lost puppy come and get your rentals from us. We are doing a Not So Good films of Sylvester Stallone month. So come and get Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot, Over the Top, Rhinestone and many more. We have hundreds ( and I do mean hundreds ) of copies of each.
See you over at The Abandoned Video Shop.
The Owner

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