Monday 9 December 2013

What Happens In Kavos.

Ever wondered just how many different colours of vomit there are? Well just tune into Channel 4's second series of What Happens In Kavos and you will find out. 

The show is a celebration of spew. Once you have seen volcanic vomit once, you don't really need to see it again and again, we can, if we really need to, imagine the rest. But this latest outing of young Brits behaving badly abroad appears to have shifted focus it now seems to revel in  the debauchery. Perhaps in the hope of Channel 4 having their own Geordie Shore. But this is worse, What Happens In Kavos makes Geordie Shore look like Trumpton. Perhaps later on we will get an episode on the dark side of the resort; because, on this evidence, there certainly must be one. The only cautionary tales we get are when the uber drunks are rolled into the local clinic. This place seems to function like a M.A.S.H. unit, patch them up to send them back to the front, or Strip in this case. One boozed up geezer was so manic, it looked like he needed an exorcist more than a medic. A little later the kindly doctor told him to avoid alcohol for the rest of his holiday, even he must've heard us viewers laugh as the geezer was already on his way back to the Strip to drink his body weight in Sambucas.

How low this show is pitched, I'm not sure if the irony of the title is not lost on the production company. With how rife STDs must be over there, I'm guessing what happens in Kavos doesn't stay in Kavos but comes home and gets roundly spread about.


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