Monday 3 March 2014

The Oscars : A Ranting Ronnie Rant

When did all these award ceremonies become so bloody important,like they are a matter of life and death? Back when I was a lad I don't remember all this blanket coverage of stuff like the Oscars. No, they just went by with a cursory nod to who won and that was it. These days it is all manic with celebrity obsessed celebrity journalists getting overly excited to the point of delirium. But let's face it, it's all bloody media led. If we believe all this tosh, we now live in a world where what frock Jennifer Lawrence wore is important to the very fabric of our lives ( not sure if the pun is intended there ), well it might be to those preening bloody idiots on Lorraine and This Morning. But to the rest of us it's not. I'll tell you who they should put in charge of Oscar coverage, Eamon Holmes, you can just imagine how thrilled and excited he would be by the procession of frocks.

 Plus when did the Oscars become like a luvvie version of Team GB? It's a film, we like the film or we don't. It doesn't matter if it is British. It's not a bloody National sporting event, so don't try and make it into one. Let's face it we've all hated a good many British films, a lot more than we've liked I'd say. This carries over so much that the media try to claim Gravity as a British film. Yep Gravity, starring those two well known Brits George Clooney and Sandra Bullock. And directed by Liverpool born Alfonso Cuaron. It's common knowledge that Clooney, Bullock and Cuaron all started together, back in the 80's, on Brookside before going onto Oscar glory.

So let's wave the flags and have one of those empty parades for all our gallant award winners. Would any of us really cry if we never saw another luvvie festooned award show? I know I bloody wouldn't.

Ranting Ronnie.  

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