Tuesday 1 April 2014

Planners : The Shock of the New

Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to praise the video recorder, although it holds a place in our affections, but planners are not the great and glorious things they are made out to be. Come on, admit it,they are a mass of glitches. "B****** thing has frozen," has probably become a catchphrase up and down the land. At least in the old days when you messed up with a video recorder, it was your fault, you could take responsibility. But with the failed recording / part record of the planner you are powerless, there is nothing you can do but shake your head in frustration. And let's face it, wasn't there a rush of pride when your complex multiple video recordings had all taped when you got back from a holiday. Standing in front of the telly, you thought there was no technological problem you couldn't solve and wondered why NASA hasn't called. But being a master of the video is an art that has disappeared, like being good at Pong. The planner is king now. And planners have a new problem in the shape of the word New. Every show seems to have New put in front of it, even if it isn't. If it's new to a channel then, hey presto, it's New. Ten year old plus Two and a Half Men is new on ITV. So the planner picks up New with what seems like  a glorious random abandon. My planner decided to split Person of Interest into two separate lists. And for some reason I have two 'new' Awkward, same season thrown all over the place.  OK, these are small quibbles about a machine that has taken over our lives and planner management is an art all its own. But it is the small quibbles that bother us most these days. Internet going down, poor phone signal, frozen planner, they all get on our nerves more than they should. You get the feeling we were a tougher bunch back in the days of the suitcase sized video recorder.

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