Tuesday 15 April 2014

Thronecast Redux : Give it to the Geeks.

Salvaged from the abyss of On Demand and dragged out to half an hour Thronecast has had a bit of a makeover. The slightly well known Geoff Lloyd is replaced by the totally unknown Jamie East, who is joined by Rachel Parris (No me neither ). They both show the requisite levels of enthusiasm and Rachel Parris makes a fairly good job of making out she knows what she is talking about; while Jamie East bobs about like Danny Dyer with worms. And, thankfully, we have been spared the Grace Dent show by show comments this season. Which usually went : "Well wasn't that a great episode . I hate Joffrey. " 
Thronecast seems to have chosen to ignore the books exist this time out, which is quite wise I suppose. At least no one can give anything away. The trouble is, Thronecast is only  watched by people who really like Game of Thrones, the average viewer can't be arsed to sit through half an hour of this. I like Grey's Anatomy, but there's no way I'd sit through a half hour show about it every week. So why not give Thronecast to the geeks? So we can have cast interviews where you actually learn something, not less than what you came in with. Making it all a bit clueless seems to miss the point and makes me think Sky have misjudged the audience.The only nod to geekdom is the very brief, and at times patronising, chats with Elio and Linda. Who look like the kind of people  Joe Carroll has been knocking around with in this season of The Following. But at least they  know what they are talking about which is something you certainly can't say about anyone else involved.

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