Monday 21 July 2014

Monty Python Live : When Gold Was Not So Golden

Gold made an awful lot of noise about showing the final Monty Python reunion show live. We even had a pre match segment where an unctuous Dara O Brein treated the whole thing like it was the second coming of Christ. Talking to an over reverent and bearded Martin Freeman and a slimy Lee Mack. We got a lot of how Python reminded them of their childhood. it was like they were at a Bagpuss Reunion. Then came the event itself. Somehow Gold forgot to tell us that large chunks of the first half of the  show would be bleeped out. So we had the joke set up just to have the punch line beeped. ( Although joyfully a few obscenities slipped through the net ). So suddenly the reasons for showing it live became pointless. Mind you there was parts of this reunion I wouldn't have minded being beeped out. A lot of the material hasn't aged well. It might be OK in the O2, but on telly whole segments seemed to fall flat as the Python team trotted out their greatest hits with all the enthusiasm of a Rubettes reunion in Bridlington. When things started to flag a little no doubt the team just thought of the money and got a second wind. We got very few shots of the crowd those we did see,in the expensive seats, seemed mildly amused or bored. The dressed up, enthusiastic loons were no doubt right at the back in the nose bleed seats. It was all rolling to its matter of fact Always Look on the Bright Side of Life  finale when my recording ran out, Gold didn't even factor in the show over running for its biggest event, well, ever. So it turned out the incompetent Gold was the right place to show this lack lustre Reunion. Some things are best left where they were, firmly locked in the memory. Now I'm just waiting for the Nearest and Dearest reunion.

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