Wednesday 7 January 2015

Digital Eagles Ads Where Would We Be Without Them?

Every now and then something comes along that just plain puts you on the right track; well for me that has been the Barclays Digital Eagles Adverts. They seem to have shone a light on everything I've done wrong. The one about how to dress and act at interviews has really helped, now I know why I never got a job when I turned up dressed as a frogman or zombie Elvis, thanks Digital Eagles. And I don't know about you, but I've totally dropped the phrase Totes Amazeballs from my vocabulary. Also the one about body language has aided me, no end, in public places. I now make eye contact, no longer slouch, and have stopped giving everyone I meet the finger.
Right now Iam waiting for some spotty little Herbert from Barclays to come and help me start up my walking football team ( or Fulham which I think is the technical term ) that looks such fun.
But Digital Eagles have been the most help to my grand parents. They are exactly like the clueless old codgers you see on the adverts. They too acted like they had witnessed the Rapture when they turned on their Tesco HUDL for the first time. When my grand dad open it up he said "Wot's this bleedin' thing?"
"A tablet," I replied.
"I'm gonna need a lotta bleedin' water to wash that bugger down."
So I just told him to watch the Digital Eagles advert and he was soon up with it like the old duffers on the telly.
I noticed that they said you could take in any equipment and they will help out, well my nan's microwave has been playing up of late, I might pop it into Barclays to see what they can do with it.
Now I can only hope we get some Digital Eagles ads on basic toilet training, because I'm still having trouble in that department. Fingers crossed.

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