Wednesday 25 March 2015

Winner Bingo Ads: A Ranting Ronnie Rant

 Will somebody please explain those Winner Bingo ads to me, I just don't get it. A stuffed owl with a woman's voice and a super weird geezer who looks and acts like an 80's porn star, where's the selling point and what idiot thought it was a good idea? They scare the life out of the wife. Are there really people out there who feel the things that will motivate them to part with their money is a set of frankly creepy and tacky ads.
"I don't know what to spend all my money on, wait what's this?.... Yes a really cheap looking owl and a boarder line serial killer bloke who can't wait to whip off his clothes is this Criminal Minds? No, oh happy days it's the on line bingo site I've been waiting for where's my credit card?"
So what's next, How about a David Lynch bingo site with loons singing Roy Orbison songs and crazed killers lurking in the corner of your room  inviting you to lose all your money and  that would still be a lot less weird and creepy than those Winner Bingo ads. Now to top it all off they are stuck all over Home and Away so there is no escaping the madness, bongos and bagels. It's enough to make your blood boil.
Ranting Ronnie

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