Friday 13 January 2017

Andy Advert New Year Volkswagen Rant.

How much do you hate that Volkswagen advert? You know the one where the parents are taking their kids to school. One car one kid, in my day you took the bus. Anyway, the kids with their snooty, parents are sitting their sulking embarrassed and indignant. But the kid in the white Volkswagen is listening to hip-hop with her bearded hipster father. The pair of them smugly bouncing up and down; while groups of envious passers by look on like they are driving the Batmobile or a time travelling De Lorean.  What do these people usually see going along this road horse drawn carriages? Anyway, as they pull up the hipster dad attempts a fist bump and the ungrateful kid just slouches off embarrassed and indignant. But when the daughter gets out, guess what the dad still plays the same music so we know the hip hipster really does love hip hop and he smiles as his on board computer type thing tells him of a rescheduled meeting and he smugly drives off. But here's the odd thing, an advert break, or so, later, and there is the same bearded actor in a Quick Quid commercial. Only this time he's standing by his broken down car, without a pot to piss in and in need of a pay day loan. Is this the same character fallen on hard times? The smug Volkswagen gone, no more rescheduled meetings, and he's in need of money. How will his bratty kid take it having to be driven to school in a beat up old thing? Not well would be my guess and I'll bet and all those admiring passers by now probably just ignore the downfallen hipster. Perhaps this is a new trend in adverts, where over smug characters get their comeuppance. Oh the joy when a similar fate befalls the over-smug Ben Miller and Ruth Jones in those awful bloody Tesco ads.

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